Saturday, July 4, 2015

New way to start off my 4th... my continuing quest to do new and challenging things, this morning I rolled out of bed early, threw on my walking clothes and a hat, and participated in the annual 4th of July 5K in Lake Forest.  (For those of you who know me, getting up early on a Saturday to exercise?? Bwahaha!!!)   

No, I did not run the 5K, I walked.  Thought about running part of it a few days ago, so when I was on my evening walk, I ran for a little bit and started hearing from my body:  low back - um, no.  Knees - I don't think so.  Ankle - oh, hell no.  So, walking it is...

Got my necessary items:

Got my t-shirt on:

Crowd getting ready for the start:

Furry walkers of all shapes and sizes:

Half mile left to go!  Hmmm.....the crowd seems to be a lot thinner....

My goal was to finish, not be last, and feel good at the end.  Success!  Ended up walking 16 minute miles, so respectable time.

Photos of me you ask?  Did you read the first paragraph?  "rolled out of bed early, threw on my walking clothes and a hat."  No one needs a picture of that....

A great way to start my day - now to relax and then pig out on kraut dogs and apple pie later (apple pie is a fruit, right??). 

Have a wonderful Fourth of July! 

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