Saturday, June 27, 2015

Walking as Nourishment??

Recently started walking in the evenings around my neighborhood. Lived in this neighborhood for 17 years (wait, how long?? sheesh where does the time go??!) And when I say walk around my neighborhood, it's literally a sidewalk that goes around the perimeter of my housing complex, and it's about a 2.5 mile loop start to finish.

Used to walk with a neighbor, walking and talking. Walking because I should. Walking because it's supposed to be good for me.  Walking because I hate running.  

Stopped walking for a while - many excuses: neighbor moved, too hot/cold, need better shoes, don't have time, etc, etc.  Finally decided to get my butt back out the door and outside.  Tendency is to walk head down, looking straight ahead, lost in thought.  Headphones on, music turned up to cover the traffic.  

An interesting thing has happened. I started to pay attention to the things around me while walking.  It's amazing what we walk/drive by on a daily basis and don't see.  It started by noticing the butterflies that started buzzing me several days in a row as I walked by.  I started seeing the plants & trees I was walking past. Started looking at the sky at sunset.  

I now look forward to my evening walks - I de-stress from my hectic chaotic job, and I get back in touch with myself and the nature around me - even in the middle of a fully developed area with traffic speeding past me.  

What does this have to do with nutrition?  Everything - we need to nourish ourselves on many levels, and my walks are now a source of nourishment.  

So, when you are doing your routine activities, take a look around.  See what you walk/drive past every day.  See how many things you can find.

Look up, look left, look right, are a few of my walk views:

and when you pass by blooming jasmine, breathe it in....

Nourish yourself on every level - Have a wonderful day! 

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